"Keeping a sharp mind, healthy body, and keen eye can be as good as having another soldier on the field." -Sergeant Peter Wilkerson
Each ability is the determining factor for certain actions along with their dice roll. Which of the three abilities to be used for an action is dictated by Mother. Each player character starts with four ability points to be distributed freely at a minimum of one per ability.
Accuracy: The chance of hitting a target with an attack or a similar effect.
Intellect: Used to communicate, create, learn, perceive, repair, strategize, or otherwise use the mind.
Physique: Determines the outcome when utilizing fortitude, nimbleness, strength, or other physical attributes.
Actions & Turns
"Steadfast and speedy is the way to stay alive." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
During combat, all gameplay becomes turn-based. When out of combat, characters may attempt actions freely at Mother’s discretion. A base of four actions may be taken during each character’s turn while in combat. Order during combat is determined by rolling 1d20 plus the roller's highest ability point for each character, with higher totals going earlier. Characters with tied numbers keep their overall order but roll another 1d20 to determine which character goes earlier among the tied numbers.
Movement Actions
When making a movement action, a character may move up to its combat speed in increments of 2'. Making a separate action interrupts and ends that movement action regardless of distance traveled.
Typical Combat Actions
Activating Certain Equipment
Certain Asset-Granted Actions
Certain Environmental Interactions At Mother's Discretion
Certain Predator Weaponry Actions
Deactivating Certain Equipment
Most Attacks & Other Accuracy Based Action
Most Intellect Based Actions
Most Physique Based Actions
Moving Up To Combat Speed
Picking Up an Object
Reloading Weaponry
Swapping Weaponry
Using Certain Equipment
"Piercing rounds and the right armor can save you in a pinch, so don't waste 'em!" -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Damage from weaponry without piercing ammunition is halved (rounded up) against characters with hide armor. Only one armor equipment may be activated by each character at a time.
"Everyone's good for somethin'. That's what my grandmama used to say." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
At Mother's discretion, each player character may optionally start with a number of assets at no experience cost. Assets may be chosen by the player character or Mother can have player characters roll 1d4 and 1d8 to assign these assets randomly. This can be done by separating the list of assets into four groups of eight assets, assigning each result of the 1d4 to a different group (the numerical value in parentheses) and each result of the 1d8 to an asset among them (the alphabetical value in parentheses). One additional asset may be chosen per two liabilities chosen.
Agile (1A): This player character rolls three additional times when determining combat order, taking the highest result and discarding the lower results.
Backpack (1B): This player character has two additional equipment slots. Taking this asset multiple times further increases the number of additional equipment slots by one per instance that this asset has been taken after the first instance.
Balanced (1C): This player character has a one in four chance of duplicating the required rolls when making an ability action or when determining combat order, taking the highest result and discarding the lower results.
Book Worm (1D): This player character rolls 1d4 after purchasing an intellect point and replaces the amount of intellect points gained with the result of this roll.
Camaraderie (1E): As an action for this player character, the next four ally character actions that use ability points receive double the normally applied ability points, while this player character’s next action that uses ability points receives half (rounded up) the normally applied ability points. Taking this asset a second time further increases the number of ally character actions affected by two. Taking this asset three or more times further increases the number of ally character actions affected by one per instance that this asset has been taken after the second instance.
Critical Strike (1F): This player character has a two in twelve chance of dealing double the normal amount of damage. Taking this asset two to ten times further increases the chance in twelve by one per instance that this asset is taken after the first instance.
Dexterous (1G): This player character can take up two additional actions on their turn during combat. Taking this asset multiple times further increases the number of additional actions able to be taken by one per instance that this asset has been taken after the first instance. Movement speed after the fourth action is lowered by 2'.
Efficient (1H): Experience points earned from each character or equipment defeated in combat have a two in twelve chance of being doubled for this player character. Taking this asset two to ten times further increases the chance in twelve by one per instance that this asset is taken after the first instance.
Expert (2A): All future purchases of ability and endurance point increases will cost four less for this player character. Taking this asset two times further decreases the cost of purchasing future ability and endurance points by two. Taking this asset three to eight times further decreases the cost of purchasing future ability and endurance points by one per instance that this asset is taken after the second instance.
Fast (2B): This player character can move an additional 4' per movement action. Taking this asset two times further increases the distance by an additional 2'.
First-Aid (2C): Once per turn, as an action, this player character may add 1d4 endurance points to a stable ally character up to their maximum endurance points. Taking this asset twice changes the number of endurance points added to 1d6.
Gym Membership (2D): This player character rolls 1d4 after purchasing a physique point and replaces the amount of physique points gained with the result of this roll. Taking this asset two times replaces the roll with 1d6.
Healthy (2E): This player character duplicates the required rolls when making a physique action, taking the highest result and discarding the lower results.
Holster (2F): This player character gains two additional weaponry slots. Taking this asset multiple times further increases the number of additional weaponry slots by one per instance that this asset is taken after the first instance.
Inventory (2G) Access: All future purchases of equipment and weaponry will cost four less experience points for this player character. Taking this asset two times further decreases the cost of future equipment and weaponry by two. Taking this asset three to thirty-seven times further decreases the cost of purchasing future ability and endurance points by one per instance that this asset is taken after the second instance.
Leader (2H): As an action for this player character, this player character’s next two actions that use ability points receive double the normally applied ability points, while the next ally character action that uses ability points receives half (rounded up) of the normally applied ability points.
Lucky (3A): This player character has a two in twelve chance of rerolling all failed actions. Taking this asset two to ten times further increases the chance in twelve by one per instance that this asset is taken after the first instance.
Mechanic (3B): This player character can reroll twice when failing an attempt to repair an object.
Modifications (3C): Each of this player character’s non-grenade and non-predator weaponry magazines can hold triple the normal ammunition, though they can only carry up to two of these magazines per weapon. This ability only affects weaponry while being held by this character.
Nimble (3D): This player character can take any of their actions at any point after or equal to their rolled order number in each rotation of character turns during combat. This order can be changed each rotation.
Opportunist (3E): This player character may reroll any action failed that is within two points of success. Taking this asset multiple times further increases the failed reroll threshold by one per instance that this asset is taken after the first instance.
Resistant (3F): Instances of acidic and incendiary damage against this player character have a one in two chance of being halved.
Resourceful (3G): All future purchases for this player character will cost three experience points less.
Robust (3H): This player character rolls 1d4 after purchasing an endurance point and replaces the amount of endurance points gained with the result of this roll. Taking this asset two times replaces the roll with 1d6.
Self-Improvement (4A): This player character no longer suffers from a single liability chosen by the player character. This asset can be taken a number of times equal to the number of liabilities this player character has.
Sharp Shooter (4B): This player character duplicates the required rolls when making an accuracy action, taking the highest result and discarding the lower results.
Smart (4C): This player character duplicates the required rolls when making an intellect action, taking the highest result and discarding the lower results.
Strategist (4D): This player character deals triple the normal amount of damage against any target that has not yet been targeted with an attack whether that attack is successful or not.
Target Practice (4E): This player character rolls 1d4 after purchasing an accuracy point and replaces the amount of accuracy points gained with the result of this roll. Taking this asset two times replaces the roll with 1d6.
Triage (4F): As two actions, this player character can add 1d2 stability points and remove 1d2 loss points to one destabilized ally character. Taking this asset twice changes the number of loss points removed to 1d4 and lowers the required actions to one.
Upgrade (4G): Large weaponry is considered small while carried by this player character.
Veteran (4H): All future purchases of assets will cost sixteen less experience points for this player character. Taking this asset twice further decreases the cost for future assets by eight. Taking this asset three times further decreases the cost for future assets by four. Taking this asset four times further decreases the cost for future assets by two. Taking this asset five to thirty-four times further decreases the cost for future ability and endurance points by one per instance that this asset is taken after the fourth instance.
"Watch out for the big one!" -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
All human characters have an area of 4'x4', a 4' bodily range, and 8' of movement speed. All human characters deal 1d2 physical damage at bodily range when not using a weapon.
Designation: Armor Endurance Experience Weaponry
Accuracy Intelligence Physique
Civilian: None 4d2 7 None
1 2 1
Cultist: A.-Res. 4d2 10 None
2 2 1
Demolitionist: I.-Res. 5d2 32 Explosive Grenades, Flamethrower, & Laser
1 2 3
Hacker: None 4d2 22 Laser, Pistol, & Shock Grenades
1 3 1
Mercenary: Bal. 5d2 30 Explosive Grenades, Shotgun, & Submachine Gun
2 1 3
Prisoner: None 5d2 9 None
2 1 3
Renegade: Bal. 5d2 34 Pistol, Pulse Rifle, & Shotgun
2 2 2
Scientist: A.-Res. 4d2 30 Flamethrower, Laser, & Pistol
2 3 1
Security Officer: Bal. 5d2 22 Pistol, Shock Grenades, & Sonic Grenades
2 2 3
Sniper: None 4d2 29 Plasma Rifle & Sniper Rifle
3 2 1
Specialist: I.-Res. 4d2 32 Flamethrower & Plasma Rifle
2 2 2
Survivor: None 5d2 10 None
3 3 3
Other Characters
Species: Area Armor Damage Endurance Exp. Range Speed Type
Accuracy Intelligence Physique
Arachnoid: 6’x6’ Hide 1d6 14d2 27 8' 12’ Acidic Or Physical
3 2 4
Begemot: 10'x10' None 2d4 16d2 16 6' 10' Physical
1 2 4
Bhuhlagh: 12'x12' None 2d4 18d2 18 10' 12’ Physical
1 2 4
Blue Moon Centipede: 4'x4' Hide 2d2 11d2 22 4' 10' Physical
2 1 3
Bony Lizard: 6'x6' None 2d4 14d2 18 6' 12' Physical
2 2 2
Acidic damage against this Bony Lizard is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one).
Briar Wolf: 4'x4' None 1d6 9d2 14 4' 10' Physical
2 2 2
Condor Dragon: 6'x6' None 1d4 8d2 13 4' 14' Physical
1 2 2
Earth Truck: 22'x22' None 2d6 30d2 23 16' 10' Physical
2 1 5
Engineer Trilobite: 8'x8' None 1d12 20d2 19 10' 4' Physical
2 1 5
This Engineer Trilobite deals 1d2 acidic damage on loss in a 32'x32' area.
Exo-Beetle: 2'x2' None 1d2 1d2 9 2' 4' Physical
3 1 1
Fire Spite: 2'x2' Hide 1d4 4d2 19 4' 8' Incendiary Or Physical
2 1 1
Fire-Walker: 2'x2' Hide 1d6 5d2 18 2' 4' Physical
1 1 3
Giant Hawk: 6'x6' None 2d2 4d2 13 6' 14' Physical
3 2 2
Gro’Tye: 14’x14’ None 1d10 24d2 24 14' 14’ Physical
2 2 5
Successful attacks from this Gro’Tye against characters and equipment with a smaller area have the option to push the target back a distance equal to the target's movement speed.
Hammerpede: 2’x2’ None 1d6 5d2 12 4' 6’ Acidic Or Physical
2 1 3
This Hammerpede deals 1d2 acidic damage on loss in a 14'x14' area.
Harvester: 20'x20' Hide 2d8 27d2 35 16' 8' Physical
2 1 5
Attacks by this Harvester ignore the effects of all armor.
Hell-Horse: 8'x8' None 2d2 10d2 15 6' 12' Physical
2 2 4
Hell-Hound: 4’x4’ None 1d8 9d2 15 2' 10’ Physical
2 3 4
Humped Gish: 2'x2' None 1d2 2d2 7 2' 4' Physical
1 1 1
Jack-Lizard: 2'x2' None 1d2 2d2 9 2' 6' Physical
2 1 2
Kite: 6'x6' None 1d6 8d2 13 6' 12' Incendiary Or Physical
1 2 2
Kopat: 4'x4' None 1d2 4d2 10 4' 8' Physical
2 2 1
Kriltic: 4’x4’ Hide 1d6 11d2 24 4' 8’ Physical
3 1 4
Kurn: 4’x4’ None 1d6 9d2 15 2' 10’ Physical
2 3 4
K'Yipsas 2'x2' None 1d2 1d2 9 2' 6' Physical
2 1 2
Lev Polosku: 6'x6' None 2d4 10d2 16 6' 12' Physical
2 2 3
Lion-Worm: 8'x8' None 2d4 7d2 16 6' 8' Physical
2 1 4
As its first attack, this Lion-Worm makes an acidic type attack that deals 1d2 damage in an 24'x24' area. Characters and equipment hit successfully by this attack must make a physique roll against this Lion-Worm. If a character or equipment fails this roll, then that target loses one action on its next turn and cannot move for its first action. This attack uses two actions by the Lion-Worm and can only be used once. Lion-Worms are immune to this attack.
Mala'Kak: 6'x6' None 2d2 6d2 30 6' 10' Physical
4 5 3
After successfully attacking any character holding a weapon, this Mala'Kak and its target must make physique rolls. If this Mala'Kak succeeds, then it may take one weapon from its target. This weapon's additional magazines remain with the target. This Mala'Kak can only hold one weapon.
Mudbug: 2'x2' None 1d2 1d2 9 2' 4' Physical
1 1 2
Successful attacks from this Mudbug lower the target's movement speed by 2' until this Mudbug is lost.
Neomorph: 4’x4’ None 1d6 11d2 16 6' 12’ Physical
2 2 3
This Neomorph deals 1d2 acidic damage on loss in a 20'x20' area.
Noddle-Head: 2'x2' None 1d2 2d2 8 2' 6' Physical
2 1 1
Oswoc: 10’x10’ None 1d2 8d2 9 2' 6’ Physical
1 1 2
Panther Fox: 4'x4' None 1d4 5d2 11 4' 8' Physical
2 2 2
Quatza-Rij: 14'x14' Hide 2d6 23d2 31 14' 14' Physical
3 2 4
Rattlewing: 4'x4' None 1d2 2d2 10 4' 10' Physical
2 1 2
Rheldi Crab: 2'x2' Hide 1d4 3d2 17 2' 4' Physical
2 1 2
Rhynth: 10’x10’ Hide 2d2 13d2 21 4' 10’ Physical
1 1 3
Rock Chameleon: 6’x6’ Hide 1d8 19d2 28 6' 8’ Physical
2 2 4
Accuracy against this Rock Chameleon is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while it has its maximum endurance points.
Running Flatfish: 4'x4' Hide 1d4 7d2 21 4' 6' Physical
2 1 2
Targets hit successfully by this Running Flatfish must make a physique roll against this Running Flatfish. If the target fails, then the target takes an additional 1d2 physical damage.
Sand-Louse: 4'x4' Hide 1d4 4d2 18 4' 6' Physical
1 1 2
This Sand-Louse is not affected by shock grenades.
Scuffle-Face: 2'x2' None 1d2 2d2 10 4' 8' Physical
2 3 1
Shovel-Head: 16'x16' None 1d6 17d2 19 16' 14' Physical
3 2 5
Snuffle-Squirrel: 2'x2' None 1d2 3d2 10 2' 6' Physical
2 3 2
Spurred Hell-Hound: 4’x4’ Hide 2d4 10d2 24 2' 10’ Physical
2 3 4
Swampworm: 6'x6' None 2d2 10d2 12 6' 4' Physical
1 2 3
Tanakan Scorpionid: 6'x6' None 1d6 8d2 16 8' 8' Physical
2 1 3
Bodily damage from human charatcers, predator characters, and synthetic characters against this Tanakan Scorpionid is halved (rounded up). Targets hit successfully by this Tanakan Scorpionid must make a physique roll against this Tanakan Scorpionid. If the target fails, then the target takes an additional 1d2 physical damage.
Tentacle: 6'x6' None 1d6 7d2 12 6' 4' Physical
2 1 4
Tentacled Moose: 8'x8' None 1d6 13d2 15 8' 12' Physical
1 2 3
Three-Headed Saurian: 18'x18' Hide 2d8 33d2 39 12' 14' Physical
2 2 5
Successful attacks against this Three-Headed Saurian have a two in three chance of having the damage dealt halved (rounded up). After this ability is successful once, the chance of halving becomes one in two. After this ability is successful twice, this ability can no longer be used by this Three-Headed Saurian.
Tuber: 2'x2' None 1d2 2d2 8 2' 4' Physical
2 1 1
Vindeedee: 4'x4' None 1d2 3d2 7 2' 4' Physical
1 1 1
Vootervert: 6'x6' None 1d2 4d2 8 4' 4' Physical
1 1 2
Vurfur: 8'x8' Hide 2d2 8d2 22 8' 14' Physical
2 2 2
Vy'Drach: 6'x6' None 1d6 7d2 17 6' 12' Physical
2 2 2
Incendiary damage against this Vy'Drach is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one).
Zangoid: 8'x8' None 2d4 8d2 16 8' 14' Physical
3 2 3
Zantra: 6'x6' None 1d4 6d2 13 4' 12' Physical
2 1 3
Accuracy against any predator is halved (rounded up) while that predator character is at maximum endurance points. Accuracy against any predator character is halved (rounded up) before that predator character deals any damage. Accuracy against any predator character is quartered (rounded down to a minimum of one) while that predator character is at maximum endurance points and before that predator deals any damage. When any predator character is reduced to a single endurance point, that predator character uses one action to activate an attack that deals 3d12 incendiary damage to itself and all characters, equipment, and other targets within a 60' plus that predator character's area centered on the affected predator character immediately at the beginning of its next turn. If that predator character is lost before this attack, then this attack does not occur. Predator characters deal physical damage at bodily range when not using a weapon. Each predator rank has a super variant that has an additional one point to their physique, 1d2 endurance points, and 2' of area, range, and speed. Bodily damage and experience points for super predator variants are displayed in parentheses.
Rank: Area Armor Bodily Dam. End. Exp. Range Speed Weaponry
Accuracy Intellect Physique
Ancient: 4'x4' Bal. 2d2 (1d6) 9d2 30 (31) 6' 10' Combistick & Net Gun
3 4 3
Bad-Blood: 4'x4' None 1d4 (2d2) 7d2 19 (21) 6' 10' Combistick
3 2 3
Banished: 4'x4' None 2d2 (1d6) 6d2 15 (17) 6' 10' None
3 3 3
Elder: 4'x4' Bal. 2d2 (1d6) 8d2 35 (37) 6' 10' Combistick, Plasma Caster, & Spear Gun
2 3 3
Enforcer: 4'x4' Bal. 2d2 (1d6) 9d2 36 (38) 6' 10' Combistick, Net Gun, & Spear Gun
3 3 4
Hunter: 4'x4' Inc.-R. 1d4 (2d2) 6d2 34 (35) 6' 10' Net Gun, Plasma Caster, & Smart Disk
4 3 3
Scout: 4'x4' None 1d4 (2d2) 7d2 32 (33) 6' 10' Combistick, Smart Disk, & Spear Gun
3 4 3
Splicer: 6'x6' Hide 2d2 (1d6) 10d2 45 (46) 8' 12' Combistick, Net Gun, Plasma Caster, & Spear Gun
4 4 4
Stalker: 4'x4' None 1d4 (2d2) 7d2 32 (33) 6' 10' Net Gun, Smart Disk, & Spear Gun
4 3 3
Unblooded: 4'x4' A.-R. 1d4 (2d2) 6d2 24 (25) 6' 10' Combistick & Plasma Caster
2 2 3
All synthetic characters have an area of 4'x4' and a 4' bodily range. All synthetic characters deal physical damage at bodily range when not using a weapon. All xenomorph characters ignore synthetic characters until that synthetic character interacts with any xenomorph character.
Model: Armor Bodily Damage Endurance Experience Speed Weaponry
Accuracy Intellect Physique
Combat: Bal. 1d6 8d2 36 10’ Minigun & Shotgun
3 3 4
Custodial: Inc.-R. 2d2 6d2 16 8' None
2 2 3
Infiltrator: None 1d4 5d2 13 8' None
Military: Bal. 1d6 7d2 31 10' Explosive Grenades & Submachine Gun
4 3 4
Security: Bal. 2d2 7d2 30 10' Shock Grenades & Sonic Grenades
3 3 4
Standard: None 1d4 6d2 18 10’ Pistol
3 3 3
All xenomorph characters are immune to acidic damage.
Caste: Area Armor Damage End. Exp. Loss A. Dmg. (Area) Range Speed Type
Accuracy Intellect Physique
Burster: 4'x4’ None 1d4 5d2 12 1d6 (60’x60’) 6' 6’ Physical
1 2 2
Chestburster: 2’x2’ None 1d2 3d2 9 1d2 (10’x10’) 2' 6’ Physical
1 1 2
Crusher: 10’x10’ Hide 2d6 21d2 31 2d2 (34’x34’) 10' 12’ Physical
3 2 5
Drone: 4’x4’ None 1d6 12d2 16 1d4 (20’x20’) 6' 10’ Physical
2 2 3
Empress: 16’x16’ Hide 2d8 40d2 39 2d2 (56’x56’) 18' 12’ Physical
3 3 5
Facehugger: 2’x2’ None 1d2 2d2 14 1d2 (14’x14’) 4' 8’ Physical
4 1 3
This Facehugger can make up to two successful attacks before becoming destabilized that deal half (rounded up) of the target’s maximum endurance points. If any attack from this Facehugger destabilizes its target then this Facehugger also becomes destabilized. These abilities do not affect auto-turrets, exo-suits, heavy auto-turrets, synthetic characters, light auto-turrets, power loaders, and xenomorph characters.
Ovomorph: 2’x2’ None 0 1d2 4 1d2 (6’x6’) 0' 0’ None
0 0 0
This Ovomorph is replaced by a Facehugger after any attempted attack against it or if non-synthetic character or non-xenomorph character movement occurs within 12' of this Ovomorph.
Praetorian: 8’x8’ Hide 1d10 20d2 30 1d4 (32’x32’) 10' 10' Physical
3 3 4
Prowler: 4’x4’ Hide 2d2 13d2 26 1d4 (20’x20') 6' 10’ Physical
2 2 3
Each character successfully attacked by this prowler on its turn can take one less action than usual on its next turn.
Queen: 12’x12’ Hide 1d12 32d2 35 2d2 (44’x44’) 14' 12’ Physical
3 3 4
Royal Facehugger: 2’x2’ Hide 1d4 3d2 23 1d2 (14’x14’) 4' 8’ Physical
4 1 3
This Royal Facehugger can make up to two successful attacks before becoming destabilized that deal half (rounded up) of the target’s maximum endurance points. If any attack from this Royal Facehugger destabilizes its target then this Royal Facehugger also becomes destabilized. These abilities do not affect auto-turrets, exo-suits, heavy auto-turrets, synthetic characters, light auto-turrets, power loaders, and xenomorph characters.
Runner: 4’x4’ None 2d2 10d2 16 1d4 (20’x20’) 6' 14’ Physical
2 2 2
Spitter: 4’x4’ None 1d4/1d6 8d2 17 1d6 (40’x40’) 30'/6' 8’ Acidic Or Physical
3 2 2
Warrior: 6’x6’ None 1d8 15d2 19 1d4 (26’x26’) 8' 12’ Physical
3 2 3
Worker: 2’x2’ None 1d2 6d2 11 2d2 (18’x18') 4' 6’ Physical
2 1 2
Endurance, Loss, & Stability
"Stayin' alive... It ain't just an old song." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
All characters and certain pieces of equipment have endurance points. Player characters start with four endurance points. When a character or equipment’s current endurance point count becomes zero or less then that character or equipment is destabilized and cannot make further actions except to attempt stabilization in the case of characters. On each of the destabilized character’s next turns, it must make a stability attempt at the cost of two actions. A stability attempt has a one in two chance of resulting in either a stability point or loss point. After accumulating three stability points, the character succeeds at stabilization and revives with a single endurance point. Alternately, the accumulation of five loss points will result in the character failing stabilization, after which the character is lost. A character permanently cannot revive from being lost. If no hostile characters remain while a character is destabilized, then turn-based actions are continued until this is resolved. After combat, each player character recovers 1d6 endurance points. Characters may also recover 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, or 1d20 endurance points at certain locations at Mother's discretion.
Bodily Attacks
All human player characters deal 1d2 physical damage when not using a weapon.
Neutralized Acid
Acidic damage dealt on loss is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) when the final damage dealt to the character dealing that acidic damage is incendiary.
"Better 'n' better, all the time!" -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Experience points are acquired by defeating characters or equipment with an additional pool at the start of the game determined by Mother. Any experience points gained through defeating characters or equipment are split evenly (rounded up) between all player characters participating in that combat encounter. Experience points can also be awarded individually at Mother’s discretion. Experience points can be used for ability and endurance point increases, assets, and objects. Player characters are free to utilize their experience points for non-objects at any time except during combat. Objects can be acquired at certain in-game locations at Mother's discretion. Assets that lower the cost of purchases may not make these purchases cost less than one experience point.
Ability Point Increase: 16
Acid-Proof Armor: 8
Acid-Resistant Armor: 8
Adrenaline Boost: 5
Asset: 64
Auto-Turret: 18
Ballistic Armor: 8
Endurance Point Increase: 16
Equipment Ammunition Refill: 3
Exo-Suit: 45
Explosive Grenades: 10
Flamethrower: 12
Hacking Device: 5
Heavy Auto-Turret: 18
Heavy Ballistic Armor: 8
Incendiary-Proof Armor: 8
Incendiary-Resistant Armor: 8
Laser: 10
Light Auto-Turret: 18
Minigun: 12
Motion Tracker: 5
Muscle Stimulator: 5
Pheromone Masker: 5
Pistol: 10
Plasma Rifle: 12
Power Loader: 30
Pulse Rifle: 12
Shock Grenades: 10
Shotgun: 10
Sight Reticle: 5
Smartgun: 12
Sniper Rifle: 12
Sonic Grenades: 10
Submachine Gun: 10
Weapon Ammunition Magazine: 1
Welding Torch: 5
"Your flaws ain't no excuse. You gotta overcome 'em." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Each player character must choose at least one liability. Alternatively, Mother can have player characters roll 1d4 and 1d6 to assign each player character liabilities randomly. This can be done by separating the list of liabilities into four groups of six liabilities, assigning each result of the 1d4 to a different group (the numerical value in parentheses) and each result of the 1d6 to a liability among them (the alphabetical value in parentheses). For every two liabilities applied, the player character is granted one free asset.
Clumsy (1A): Each of this player character's physique based actions have a one in four chance to automatically fail.
Costly (1B): All equipment and weapon purchases cost four additional experience points for this player character. This effect does not apply to ammunition magazines.
Debt (1C): All purchases cost three additional experience points for this player character.
Destructive (1D): This player character cannot repair equipment or environmental objects. Objects that have been carried by this player character cannot be repaired once broken.
Feeble Minded (1E): Each of this player character's intellect based actions have a one in four chance to automatically fail.
Fragile (1F): Each instance of damage against this player character has a one in four chance of dealing one additional damage.
Indecisive (2A): This player character can make two fewer actions on their turn.
Inefficient (2B): Experience points earned from each character or equipment defeated in combat have a one in four chance of being halved (rounded up) for this character.
Infirm (2C): This player character requires two additional stability points to become stable and two fewer loss points to be lost.
Jammer (2D): Each of this player character's weapon shots have a one in ten chance of not activating.
Low-Encumbrance (2E): This player character has two fewer equipment slots.
Minimalist (2F): This player character has two fewer weaponry slots.
Obsolete (3A): Small weaponry is considered large while carried by this player character.
Overweight (3B): This player character cannot carry any type of armor.
Poor Packer (3C): This player character has one fewer equipment slots and one fewer weaponry slots.
Reduced Rations (3D): Experience points earned from each player character or equipment defeated in combat are reduced by four (to a minimum of one) for this player character.
Sensitive (3E): Instances of acidic and incendiary damage against this player character have a two in six chance of being doubled.
Shaky (3F): Each of this player character's accuracy based actions have a one in four chance to automatically fail.
Slacker (4A): All asset purchases cost sixteen additional experience points for this player character.
Slow (4B): This player character's combat movement speed is lowered by 4'.
Uncoordinated (4C): This player character must roll 1d2 instead of 1d20 when deciding combat order.
Unlucky (4D): Each of this player character's ability based actions has a one in twelve chance to automatically fail.
Visually Impaired (4E): This player character has a one in six chance of dealing half (rounded up) the normal amount of damage for each instance of damage.
Weak (4F): This player character has a one in two chance of lowering their damage dealt by one (to a minimum of one) for each instance of damage.
"Time to collate." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
The position of Mother is that of the facilitator, game master, and storyteller. Mother decides all disputes, sets the story and all subsequent details, and controls non-player characters and objects.
"The right tool for the right job." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Acid-Proof Armor: Acidic damage against this character is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while active. The user suffers negative six to their physique actions (to a minimum of one) while this equipment is active. This equipment breaks after nine uses. This equipment can be activated or deactivated as an action.
Acid-Resistant Armor: Acidic damage against this character has a seven in twelve chance of being halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while active. The user suffers negative four to their physique actions (to a minimum of one) while this equipment is active. This equipment breaks after twelve successful uses. This equipment can be activated or deactivated as an action.
Adrenaline Boost: After taking one action to activate, all of the user’s abilities are doubled for their next six actions, after which they are halved (rounded up) on their seventh and eighth actions. A character returns to normal after these actions. This equipment cannot be repaired once activated.
Auto-Turret: An auto-turret has twelve endurance points separate from the user and takes two actions to activate or deactivate. Activating this equipment removes the auto-turret from the user’s equipment and places it in a location that can only be changed by reactivating this auto-turret in a different location. Auto-turrets have an automatic weapon attached that deals 1d4 damage per hit. Each shot has a seven in twelve chance of hitting a target successfully. An auto-turret holds up to ninety-nine ammunition. Auto-turrets have an area of 4'x4' while active and they grant thirty-two experience points upon loss when controlled by non-ally characters. This equipment fills two equipment slots.
Ballistic Armor: Physical damage against this character has a seven in twelve chance of being halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while active. The user suffers negative six to their physique actions (to a minimum of one) while this equipment is active. This equipment breaks after twelve successful uses. This equipment can be activated or deactivated as an action. Physical damage from weapons with piercing ammunition have a one in two chance of ignoring this armor.
Exo-Suit: An exo-suit has twenty-five endurance points separate from the user and takes three actions to activate or deactivate. Activating this equipment grants the user access to a flamethrower, mini-gun, and plasma rifle, however it denies the user access to their other weaponry and equipment. Exo-suits have a bodily reach of 6', deal 1d6 physical damage, and have combat movement speed of 8'. Each weapon granted only has one additional magazine. While active, the user’s accuracy and physique points are doubled. Exo-suits have an area of 8'x8' while active and they grant sixty-four experience points upon loss when controlled by non-ally characters. This equipment fills three equipment slots.
Hacking Device: Intellect is quadrupled for the user when interacting with electronic devices. This equipment breaks after five attempted uses, whether these attempts are successful or failed. Electronic devices include all predator weaponry, auto-turrets, exo-suits, heavy-auto turrets, lasers, light auto-turrets, motion trackers, muscle stimulators, power loaders, sight reticles, shock grenades, smartguns, sonic grenades, and other hacking devices, as well as any other environmental objects at Mother's discretion.
Heavy Auto-Turret: A heavy auto-turret has sixteen endurance points separate from the user and takes two actions to activate or deactivate. Activating this equipment removes the heavy auto-turret from the user’s equipment and places it in a location that can only be changed by reactivating this heavy auto-turret in a different location. This equipment has a five in twelve chance of halving acidic and incendiary damage (rounded down to a minimum of one). Heavy auto-turrets have an automatic weapon attached that deals 1d4 damage per hit. Each shot has a five in twelve chance of hitting a target successfully. A heavy auto-turret holds up to ninety-nine ammunition. Heavy auto-turrets have an area of 4'x4' while active and they grant thirty-two experience points upon loss when controlled by non-ally characters. This equipment fills two equipment slots.
Heavy Ballistic Armor: Physical damage against this character is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while active. The user suffers negative nine to their physique actions (to a minimum of one) while this equipment is active. This equipment breaks after nine uses. This equipment can be activated or deactivated as an action. Physical damage from weapons with piercing ammunition have a one in three chance of ignoring this armor.
Incendiary-Proof Armor: Incendiary damage against this character is halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while active. The user suffers negative three to their physique actions while this equipment is active. This equipment breaks after nine uses. This equipment can be activated or deactivated as an action. Incendiary damage from weapons with piercing ammunition have a one in three chance of ignoring this armor.
Incendiary-Resistant Armor: Incendiary damage against this character has a seven in twelve chance of being halved (rounded down to a minimum of one) while active. The user suffers negative two to their physique actions (to a minimum of one) while this equipment is active. This equipment breaks after twelve successful uses. This equipment can be activated or deactivated as an action. Incendiary damage from weapons with piercing ammunition have a one in two chance of ignoring this armor.
Light Auto-Turret: A light auto-turret has eight endurance points separate from the user and takes two actions to activate or deactivate. Activating this equipment removes the light auto-turret from the user’s equipment and places it in a location that can only be changed by reactivating this light auto-turret in a different location. Light auto-turrets have an automatic weapon attached that deals 1d4 damage per hit. Each shot has an eleven in twelve chance of hitting a target successfully. A light auto-turret holds up to ninety-nine ammunition. Light auto-turrets have an area of 4'x4' while active and they grant thirty-two experience points upon loss when controlled by non-ally characters This equipment fills two equipment slots.
Motion Tracker: While in use, intellect is doubled for the user while non-intellect actions are halved (rounded up). This equipment takes an action to activate and deactivate.
Muscle Stimulator: While in use, physique is doubled for the user while non-physique actions are halved (rounded up). This equipment takes an action to activate and deactivate.
Pheromone Masker: This equipment takes one action to activate. Ovomorphs ignore the user completely while other xenomorphs ignore this user until this user interacts with them. This equipment cannot be repaired.
Power Loader: A power loader has eighteen endurance points separate from the user and takes three actions to activate or deactivate. Activating this equipment denies the user access to their other weaponry and equipment. Power loaders have a bodily reach of 6', deal 1d6 physical damage, and have combat movement speed of 8'. While active, the physique points are quadrupled. Power-Loaders have an area of 8'x8' while active and they grant forty experience points upon loss when controlled by non-ally characters. This equipment fills three equipment slots.
Sight Reticle: While in use, accuracy is doubled for the user while non-accuracy actions are halved (rounded up). This equipment takes an action to activate and deactivate.
Welding Torch: Using this object as an action can fuse shut or forcefully open any door or open any locked container. This equipment breaks after four uses.
Human & Synthetic Weaponry
Human and synthetic characters can carry up to six magazines (including the one in use) for each weapon carried.
Weapon: Armor Damage Mag. Size Range Shots Size Target Type
Explosive Grenades: Piercing 1d10 1 36' Standard Small 10’x10’ Incendiary
Flamethrower: Piercing 2d6 15 12' Any Large Single Incendiary
Laser: Basic 1d4 15 32' Any Small Single Incendiary
Minigun: Basic 1d4 100 96' Automatic Or Barrage Large Single Physical
Pistol: Variable 1d2 12 52' Burst Or Standard Small Single Physical
An additional action may be used to make this attack armor piercing.
Plasma Rifle: Piercing 2d12 12 60' Burst Or Standard Large Single Incendiary
Pulse Rifle: Variable 1d4 99 80' Automatic Or Burst Large Single Physical
An additional action may be used to make this attack armor piercing.
Shock Grenades: Piercing 1d8 1 36' Standard Small 6'x6’ Incendiary
Targets hit by shock grenades have their movement speeds halved (rounded down to 2' intervals to a minimum of 2') during their following turn.
Shotgun: Basic Variable 10 Var. Standard Small 45° Physical
Up to 48' range. Targets hit by this shotgun within 4' take 2d12 physical damage while damage is lowered by one per 2' of additional distance.
Smartgun: Piercing 1d4 96 52' Automatic Or Barrage Large Single Physical
As an action, the user of this smartgun may choose a target to add 1d8 additional accuracy points to rolls when targeted by this smartgun. This effect ends when the affected target is lost or if a different target is chosen by this smartgun.
Sniper Rifle: Piercing 2d20 8 92' Standard Large Single Physical
Sonic Grenades: Piercing 1d2 1 36' Standard Small 14’x14’ Physical
40' range. Targets hit by sonic grenades take two less actions on their next turn.
Submachine Gun: Basic 1d2 20 40' Automatic Or Barrage Small Single Physical
Predator Weaponry
All predator weaponry sizes are small.
Weapon: Armor Damage Mag. Amm. Range Shots Target Type
Combistick: Piercing 2d6 Infinite 8' Variable Single Physical
Can be thrown up to 30' dealing 3d8 physical damage, but this combistick must be retrieved by picking it up after this attack before being used again in any way. An additional action may be used to make this attack into a burst shot at standard shot accuracy requirements.
Net Gun: Basic 2d6 1 16' Standard Single Physical
Up to ten magazines can be carried for this net gun. Targets hit by this net gun cannot take actions except to free itself from the net and receive 1d2 physical damage at the end of each of the target's turns until free. In order for the target to free itself, it must make a physique roll as an action against 25. This number lowers by one each time an attempt is made.
Plasma Caster: Variable Variable Infinite 32' Variable Single Incendiary
Attacks with this plasma caster cost depend on the amount of actions used. This plasma caster deals 1d2 incendiary damage when using one action, 1d6 incendiary damage when using two actions, or 1d10 incendiary damage when using three actions. An additional action may be used to make this attack armor piercing. An additional action may be used to make this attack into a burst shot.
Smart Disk: Basic 2d4 1 64'' Standard Variable Physical
The user of this smart disk can choose up to four targets, the same target up to four times, or any combination of targets by using one action per target. An additional action may be used to double the user's accuracy points for these attacks. After being used, this smart disk must be either retrieved manually by picking it up or electronically from any location by using an action.
Spear Gun: Basic 1d4 3 128' Burst Or Standard Single Physical
Up to ten magazines can be carried for this spear gun. After successfully attacking with this spear gun, the target has a two in three chance to take 1d2 physical damage at the beginning of that target's next turn. The target continues to have a two in three chance of taking 1d2 physical damage at the beginning of each of that target's turns until the chance of receiving this damage fails. Ammunition used by this spear gun can be retrieved manually by picking it up.
Each human, predator, and synthetic character starts with four equipment slots and four weaponry slots. Large weaponry uses two weaponry slots.
Rolling For Action Success
"Sometimes all you can do is all you can do." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Each interaction has a possibility for either success or failure to be determined by the character's stats combined with a 2d12 dice roll. In the event that the rolled number is equivalent to the deciding stat, then this tie goes to the roller. Ties between multiple character rollers must be rerolled. Most non-accuracy actions have threshold numbers determined by Mother. Accuracy actions with a rolled result of 24 automatically succeed.
"Don't go wastin' your ammo." -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Automatic: 6 Ammunition
Barrage: 10 Ammunition
Burst: 3 Ammunition
Standard: 1 Ammunition
Spatial Rules
"Form up, soldiers!" -Sgt. Wilkerson, P.
Areas are circular. Ranges are measured starting at the edge of the character or object's area. Each human player character fills a 4'x4' area, 4' bodily range, and has a base combat movement speed of 8' per action.
Target Accuracy Requirements
2’x2’ Area: +11
4’x4’ Area: +10
6’x6’ Area: +9
8’x8’ Area: +8
10’x10’ Area: +7
12’x12’ Area: +6
14’x14’ Area: +5
16’x16’ Area: +4
18'x18' Area: +3
20'x20' Area: +2
22'x22' Area: +1
Automatic Shot: +6
Barrage Shot: +10
Burst Shot: +3
Large Weaponry: +5
Per 8' Interval Distance (Rounded Down): +1
Pinpoint: +12
Small Weaponry: +2
Standard Shot: +1