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Character Creation: Species


Roaming mainly the more frigid regions, this burly, antler-adorned bunch is nomadic in nature. While generally accepting and friendly towards others, they can be extremely petty based on minute superficial physical traits, especially amongst their own brethren. Though somewhat intellectually inferior compared to many other races, they are physically adept creatures with a highly social demeanor.

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 2 yr, 2 ft 4 in To 6 ft 10 in, 20 lb To 168 lb

Child: 3 yr To 7 yr, 5 ft 9 in To 8 ft 5 in, 60 lb To 280 lb

Juvenile: 8 yr To 11 yr, 6 ft 10 in To 12 ft 8 in, 160 lb To 1,400 lb

Adult: 12 yr To 20 yr, 9 ft 1 in To 13 ft 3 in, 640 lb To 1,600 lb

Seasoned: 21 yr To 40 yr, 9 ft 1 in To 13 ft 3 in, 640 lb To 1,600 lb

Elderly: 41 yr To 60 yr, 9 ft 1in To 13 ft 3 in, 640 lb To 1,600 lb

Ancient: 61 yr To 75 yr Or More, 9 ft 1 in To 13 ft 3 in, 640 lb To 1,600 lb

Language: Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Black Or Gray

Hair (Secondary): Gray Or White

Skin (Primary): Pale Or White

Traits: Antlers, Flipper-Like Hands, Webbed Feet

Speeds: 30 ft Walk, 15 ft Climb, 25 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Giant, Humanoid (Anouki), Monstrosity


Blubber: You are resistant to cold damage.

Clumsy: You have disadvantage on acrobatics and stealth checks.

Gossiper: You have advantage on charisma saving throws. You are proficient in two skills between deception, insight, intimidation, investigation, perception, or persuasion checks.

Webbed Feet: You have advantage on athletics checks to swim. You have disadvantage on athletics checks to climb.



The conniving Bokoblin is a familiar sight throughout the wilds. Though most often traveling in groups, it is not uncommon for them to be found as loners. These omnivores are often looked down upon in society, even within their larger Blin counterparts.

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 2 yr, 8 in To 2 ft, 3 lb To 16 lb

Child: 3 yr To 7 yr, 1 ft 5 in To 2 ft 5 in, 11 lb To 48 lb

Juvenile: 8 yr To 11 yr, 2 ft To 3 ft 7 in, 27 lb To 80 lb

Adult: 12 yr To 20 yr, 2 ft 7 in To 3 ft 9 in, 34 lb To 100 lb

Seasoned: 21 yr To 40 yr, 2 ft 7 in To 3 ft 9 in, 34 lb To 100 lb

Elderly: 41 yr To 60 yr, 2 ft 7 in To 3 ft 9 in, 34 lb To 100 lb

Ancient: 61 yr To 75 yr Or More, 2 ft 7 in To 3 ft 9 in, 34 lb To 100 lb

Languages: Blin & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue Or Green

Hair (Secondary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, White, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Or Yellow

Speeds: 25 ft Walk, 20 ft Climb, 15 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Monstrosity


Alarm: You and friendly creatures that can hear you within 50 ft have advantage on attack rolls if you are surprised.

Cunning: You have advantage on initiative rolls.

Darkvision: You have darkvision with a range of 60 ft.

Squabble: You have advantage on deception checks and intimidation checks against non-Blins. You have disadvantage on persuasion checks against Blins.

Wild: You are proficient in nature and survival checks.

Wrestler: You have advantage on saving throws and skill checks to end the grappled condition and to apply the grappled condition to a target.


The mighty Bulblin hoard is known throughout the land as a force to be reckoned with, often taking advantage of opportunities with reckless abandon. Unlike their Blin cousins, they come in a much wider variety of shapes and sizes.

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 2 yr, 1 ft To 4 ft 2 in, 4 lb To 72 lb

Child: 3 yr To 7 yr, 2 ft 2 in To 5 ft 1 in, 16 lb To 300 lb

Juvenile: 8 yr To 11 yr, 3 ft To 7 ft 8 in, 40 lb To 480 lb

Adult: 12 yr To 20 yr, 4 ft 1 in To 8 ft, 50 lb To 600 lb

Seasoned: 21 yr To 40 yr, 4 ft 1 in To 8 ft, 50 lb To 600 lb

Elderly: 41 yr To 60 yr, 4 ft 1 in To 8 ft, 50 lb To 600 lb

Ancient: 61 yr To 75 yr Or More, 4 ft 1 in To 8 ft, 50 lb To 600 lb

Languages: Blin & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Orange Or Red

Hair (Secondary): Black, Brown, Or Gray

Skin (Primary): Black, Brown, Gray, Or Green

Speeds: 30 ft Walk, 20 ft Climb, 20 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Monstrosity


Burly: You are proficient in athletics checks.

Darkvision: You have darkvision with a range of 60 ft.

Rider: You have advantage on animal handling checks while interacting with a beast type mount.

Surly: You are proficient in intimidation checks. You have advantage on intimidation checks against medium and smaller sized non-Blins.

Wrestler: You have advantage on saving throws and skill checks to end the grappled condition and to apply the grappled condition to a target.


The hulking Moblins are known for their brute force. They are the most aggressive of the Blin tribes, though also the rarest.

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 2 yr, 2 ft 1 in To 6 ft, 18 lb To 192 lb

Child: 3 yr To 7 yr, 4 ft 5 in To 7 ft 8 in, 72 lb To 384 lb

Juvenile: 8 yr To 11 yr, 6 ft 2 in To 11 ft 5 in, 180 lb To 960 lb

Adult: 12 yr To 20 yr, 8 ft 3 in To 12 ft, 300 lb To 1,200 lb

Seasoned: 21 yr To 40 yr, 8 ft 3 in To 12 ft, 300 lb To 1,200 lb

Elderly: 41 yr To 60 yr, 8 ft 3 in To 12 ft, 300 lb To 1,200 lb

Ancient: 61 yr To 75 yr Or More, 8 ft 3 in To 12 ft, 300 lb To 1,200 lb

Languages: Blin & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Green, Or Red

Hair (Secondary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Orange, Red, White, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Orange, Red, White, Or Yellow

Trait: Pig Snout

Speeds: 35 ft Walk, 25 ft Climb, 20 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Giant, Monstrosity


Darkvision: You have darkvision with a range of 60 ft.

Dull: You have disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws.

Hulking: You have proficiency in athletics and intimidation checks.

Wild: You are proficient in nature and survival checks.

Wrestler: You have advantage on saving throws and skill checks to end the grappled condition and to apply the grappled condition to a target.


Members of the forest and swamp dwelling Deku tribe are often capable entrepreneurs. They are composed of wood rather than flesh and react accordingly to the outside world.

Age, Height, Weight:

Sapling: Sprout To 1 yr, 1 in To 2 ft 1 in, 1 lb To 8 lb

Child: 2 yr To 6 yr, 1 ft 1 in To 2 ft 6 in, 5 lb To 29 lb

Juvenile: 7 yr To 21 yr, 1 ft 6 in To 3 ft 9 in, 12 lb To 48 lb

Adult: 22 yr To 55 yr, 2 ft 1 in To 3 ft 11 in, 15 lb To 60 lb

Seasoned: 56 yr To 120 yr, 2 ft 1 in To 3 ft 11 in, 15 lb To 60 lb

Elderly: 121 yr To 231 yr, 2 ft 1 in To 3 ft 11 in, 15 lb To 60 lb

Ancient: 232 yr To 406 yr Or More, 2 ft 1 in To 3 ft 11 in, 15 lb To 60 lb

Languages: Deku & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Bark (Primary): Black, Brown, Gray, Orange, Or Yellow

Eyes: Orange, Red, Or Yellow

Leaves (Secondary): Brown, Green, Orange, Or Yellow

Trait: Shrub-Like Body

Speeds: 25 ft Walk, 20 ft Climb, 15 ft Fly, 10 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow

Type: Plant


Buoyant: You float in water unless actively swimming.

Dried Bark: You are resistant to cold and lightning damage. You are vulnerable to fire damage.

Flight: You require a successful DC 8 acrobatics or athletics check to jump as a bonus action to fly starting at an altitude equal to or less than 5 ft per number rolled above 7 which cannot be increased mid-flight. You must roll a DC of 4 per 6 sc after 12 sc of flight strength saving throw as a free action to remain airborne. You lose 2 ft 6 in of altitude after every 6 sc airborne or you may choose to land as a bonus action.

Mind For Business: When making insight checks, you add either your charisma or intelligence modifier as well as your wisdom modifier to the roll. You are proficient in deception or persuasion checks.

Natural:  You are proficient in nature checks.

Planted: You are rooted to the ground and have no walk, climb, or fly speed at sapling age.

Wooden: You have advantage on constitution saving throws. Your base AC gains plus 1.


The glowing Fairies are usually denizens of peace, helping those in need and often accompanying those longing for friendship. They are headed by a group of powerful beings referred to as Great Fairies who are capable of incredible feats of magic. Fairies are great for noticing hidden information and aspects of the world around them that most would miss. They have a vast wealth of knowledge and are a welcome addition to most parties.

Age, Height, Weight: Any, 5 in To 9 in, 1 lb To 2 lb

Languages: Hylian & Four Additional Languages

Physical Characteristics:

Glow (Primary): Any Color

Wings (Secondary): Any Color

Speeds: 10 ft Walk, 5 ft Climb, 45 ft Fly, 35 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow

Types: Fey


Darkvision: You have darkvision with a range of 60 ft.

Elemental Imbuement: Excluding bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, you are resistant to two damage types and vulnerable to one damage type.

Energetic: Your short rests are regarded as long rests.

Fountain Of Knowledge: You have advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws.

Glow: You emit dim light out to 5 ft. You have disadvantage on stealth checks.

Minuscule: You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. You can move through or end on the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Mystical Anatomy: You do not need to breathe.

Timeless: You are always considered an adult.

Forest Spirit


A form of forest spirit, the timid Kikwi is a rodent-like creature with various flora growing from its back.

Age, Height, Weight: Any, 2 ft 4 in To 3 ft 4 in, 25 lb To 75 lb

Languages: Deku & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Black or White

Leaves (Secondary): Brown, Green, Orange, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Black, Brown, Pale, Tan, Or White

Traits: Plants Growing From Back, Rodent-Like Body

Speeds: 25 ft Walk, 20 ft Climb, 20 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Fey, Monstrosity, Plant


Camouflage: You have advantage on stealth checks while in non-Urban environments. You are proficient in survival checks.

Florae-Covered: You are vulnerable to fire damage.

One With Nature: You are proficient with herbalism kits and on nature checks.

Robust: You are resistant to poison damage. You are immune to the poisoned condition.

Timeless: You are always considered an adult.

Wise: You have advantage on wisdom saving throws.


Although the Kokiri appear as humanoid children, they are one of many forms of the ageless spirits and guardians of the forest. Created and cared for by, as well as caring for, the Great Deku Tree, they live a life in the forest and rarely venture into the outside world. They are impish and fun-loving, preferring to trick opponents, rather than attack them head on. As forest dwellers, they have a deep connection with all living things, making them excellent to have before or after a battle.

Age, Height, Weight: Any, 2 ft 9 in To 3 ft 11 in, 20 lb To 75 lb

Languages: Deku & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Brown, Or Green

Hair (Secondary): Brown, Green, Orange, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Or Tan

Speeds: 25 ft Walk, 20 ft Climb, 20 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Fey, Humanoid (Kokiri)


Child-Like: You have advantage on charisma and dexterity saving throws.

Fairy Companion: You have a Fairy companion that you control. This companion has no background and class. This companion has 1d4+Con hit die per level equal to half of your character level (rounded up). This companion has 4+Con hit points at first level and gains 1d4+Con hit points per level after first.

Naturalist: You have proficiency with herbalism kits and on nature checks.

Timeless: You are always considered an adult.


Often living away from the forest, this is not to say that Koroks have forsaken their ancestral home. They instead have chosen to spread the forest in hopes of turning whatever area they venture through into a garden of flora. They are one of many different forms of the Forest Spirits and appear as sentient gnarled roots and branches. As beings of wood, they react accordingly to external situations.

Age, Height, Weight: Any, 2 ft 1 in To 3 ft, 12 lb To 36 lb

Base Languages: Deku & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Bark (Primary): Black, Brown, Gray, Orange, Or Yellow

Eyes: Black or Brown

Leaves (Secondary): Brown, Green, Orange, Or Yellow

Trait: Shrub-Like Body

Speeds: 25ft Walk, 20ft Climb, 15ft Fly, 15ft Swim, No Natural Burrow

Types: Fey, Plant


Buoyant: You float in water unless actively swimming.

Dried Bark: You are resistant to cold and lightning damage. You are vulnerable to fire damage.

Flight: You require a successful DC 8 acrobatics or athletics check to jump as a bonus action to fly starting at an altitude equal to or less than 5 ft per number rolled above 7 which cannot be increased mid-flight. You must roll a DC of 4 per 6 sc after 12 sc of flight strength saving throw as a free action to remain airborne. You lose 2 ft 6 in of altitude after every 6 sc airborne or you may choose to land as a bonus action.

Florae: You have advantage on nature checks. You are proficient in nature checks.

Timeless: You are always considered an adult.

Tricky: When making stealth checks, you add both your Dexterity and Intelligence modifiers to the roll. You are proficient in stealth checks.

Wooden: You have advantage on constitution saving throws. Your base AC gains plus 1.



The desert Gerudo are a secretive race that are comprised of nearly all women with very few males. Assuming the role of their leader as his birthright, one male every century is the most powerful figure in the region. However, not all members of his harem are loyal to him, and it is common for females to seek foreign boyfriends. Gerudo have excellent aim and combat skill training, making them some of the most talented warriors both at a distance and up close. Tall and dark-skinned with large noses, these warriors are also adept in the art of stealth.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Constitution Or Strength

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 5 yr, 1 ft 4 in To 4 ft, 7 lb To 42 lb

Child: 6 yr To 16 yr, 2 ft 11 in To 4 ft 11 in, 28 lb To 168 lb

Juvenile: 17 yr To 25 yr, 4 ft To 7 ft 5 in, 70 lb To 280 lb

Adult: 26 yr To 200 yr, 5 ft 4 in To 7 ft 9 in, 88 lb To 350 lb

Seasoned: 201 yr To 350 yr, 5 ft 4 in To 7 ft 9 in, 88 lb To 350 lb

Elderly: 351 yr To 550 yr, 5 ft 4 in To 7 ft 9 in, 88 lb To 350 lb

Ancient: 551 yr To 650 yr Or More, 5 ft 4 in To 7 ft 9 in, 88 lb To 350 lb

Base Languages: Gerudo & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Green, Orange, Or Yellow

Hair (Secondary): Orange Or Red

Skin (Primary): Brown, Olive, Or Tan

Speeds: 35ft Walk, 20ft Climb, 20ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Gerudo)


Nimble: They gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics skill checks.

Plains Rider: They gain a +3 bonus on Animal Handling skill checks to ride a living mount. They take a -1 penalty on Athletics skill checks to swim.

Sneaky: They gain a +1 bonus on Stealth skill checks.

Sure-Footed: They can move through non-magical difficult terrain with only a 25% penalty to their movement speed.

Untrusted: They take a -1 penalty on Persuasion skill checks against non-Gerudo individuals who do not have a racial variant in common.


An offshoot of the classic Gerudo having left their inhospitable wasteland origins for the open ocean and coastal shores. Life at sea has made these marauders stronger than their land-dwelling cousins, albeit less learned. There are more males among them than the land variety, though they are still outnumbered by the females.


+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Constitution & Strength

-1 To Charisma Or Intelligence

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 5yr, 1ft 4in To 4ft, 7lb To 42lb

Child: 6yr To 16yr, 2ft 11in To 4ft 11in, 28lb To 168lb

Juvenile: 17yr To 25yr, 4ft To 7ft 5in, 70lb To 280lb

Adult: 26yr To 200yr, 5ft 4in To 7ft 9in, 88lb To 350lb

Seasoned: 201yr To 350yr, 5ft 4in To 7ft 9in, 88lb To 350lb

Elderly: 351yr To 550yr, 5ft 4in To 7ft 9in, 88lb To 350lb

Ancient: 551yr To 650yr Or More, 5ft 4in To 7ft 9in, 88lb To 350lb

Base Languages: Gerudo & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Green, Orange, Or Yellow

Hair (Secondary): Orange Or Red

Skin (Primary): Brown, Olive, Or Tan

Speeds: 35ft Basic Land, 25ft Climb, 30ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Piratian)


Nimble: They gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics skill checks.

Seadog: They gain a +3 bonus on Athletics skill checks to swim. They take a -1 penalty on Animal Handling skill checks to ride a living mount.

Sneaky: They gain a +1 bonus to Stealth skill checks.

Untrusted: They take a -1 penalty on Persuasion skill checks against non-Gerudo individuals who do not have a racial variant in common.



Some individuals among the Gorons are more technologically adept than others. This comparatively studious behavior has lent them to be more varied in style. These Gorons, known as Gor, are often creatives and leaders, and if an artist or patriarch of a group of Gorons is met, you can usually be sure it is a Gor.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Constitution & Strength

-1 To Two Ability Scores Between Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, & Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Child: Creation To 50yr, 5ft To 10ft, 600lb To 1tn 25lb

Juvenile: 51yr To 200yr, 7ft 6in To 13ft 4in, 1,500lb To 1tn 700lb

Adult: 201yr To 600yr, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Seasoned: 601yr To 1,000yr, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Elderly: 1,001yr To 1,600yr, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Ancient: 1,601yr Or More, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Base Languages: Gor & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Crystals (Secondary): Black, Brown, Gray, Orange, Tan, White, Or Yellow

Eyes: Black, Blue, Brown, Purple, Or Red

Surface (Primary): Brown, Gray, Orange, Tan, Or Yellow

Trait: Made Of Stone

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 5ft Burrow, 20ft Climb, 15ft Swim, No Natural Fly

Types: Elemental (Earth), Giant


30ft Darkvision: Out to 30ft they can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Carved: They are created as children.

Igneous: Fire damage against them is quartered.

Low Energy: Long rests are required for them instead of short rests in all cases excluding the regaining of health points which are halved during short rests.

Metamorphic: Cold damage against them is doubled.

Sedimentary: Acid damage against them is doubled.

Stone Being: They can hold their breath for 6mn per 6sc of the normal duration. They gain a +2 bonus to their armor class. They sink in water unless they are actively swimming.


The patriarchal Gorons inhabit the caves, tunnels, and various crevices of the world. As beings of stone rather than flesh, they are a hardy and resilient race that react accordingly to external situations. Eating only the finest quality rocks, they have no need for other foods. Though often quick to judge and harsh on their points, they welcome those who ally them with the utmost respect. They spend most of their days either resting, mining for delicacies, or training their physical prowess. Regardless of their somewhat low mental abilities, having one of these hulking creatures at your back in a fight certainly has its advantages.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Constitution & Strength

-1 To Two Ability Scores Between Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence, Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Child: Creation To 50yr, 5ft To 10ft, 600lb To 1tn 25lb

Juvenile: 51yr To 200yr, 7ft 6in To 13ft 4in, 1,500lb To 1tn 700lb

Adult: 201yr To 600yr, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Seasoned: 601yr To 1,000yr, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Elderly: 1,001yr To 1,600yr, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Ancient: 1,601yr Or More, 10ft To 15ft, 1,750lb To 1tn 1,000lb

Base Languages: Gor & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Crystals (Secondary): Black, Brown, Gray, Orange, Tan, White, Or Yellow

Eyes: Black, Blue, Brown, Purple, Or Red

Surface (Primary): Brown, Gray, Orange, Tan, Or Yellow

Trait: Made Of Stone

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 5ft Burrow, 20ft Climb, 15ft Swim, No Natural Fly

Types: Elemental (Earth), Giant


30ft Darkvision: Out to 30ft they can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Carved: They are created as children.

Igneous: Fire damage against them is quartered.

Low Energy: Long rests are required for them instead of short rests in all cases excluding the regaining of health points which are halved during short rests.

Metamorphic: Cold damage against them is doubled.

Sedimentary: Acid damage against them is doubled.

Stone Being: They can hold their breath for 6mn per 6sc of the normal duration. They gain a +2 bonus to their armor class. They sink in water unless they are actively swimming.


As Hyrule's ruling race, the widespread Humans believe themselves to be the Golden Goddesses’ chosen people. They can be somewhat arrogant but are usually also passionate about their beliefs. They are a versatile people that range from bureaucratic and studious to bold and adventurous. They are of average height and build with pointed ears. They comprise most of the various ruling governments.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 To Any Five Ability Scores

+1 To Any Ability Score

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 4yr, 1ft 2in To 3ft 6in, 6lb To 45lb

Child: 5yr To 12yr, 2ft 6in To 4ft 4in, 24lb To 180lb

Juvenile: 13yr To 18yr, 3ft 6in To 6ft 6in, 60lb To 300lb

Adult: 19yr To 35yr, 4ft 6in To 6ft 10in, 75lb To 375lb

Seasoned: 36yr To 65yr, 4ft 6in To 6ft 10in, 75lb To 375lb

Elderly: 66yr To 100yr, 4ft 6in To 6ft 10in, 75lb To 375lb

Ancient: 101yr To 125yr Or More, 4ft 6in To 6ft 10in, 75lb To 375lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Two Additional Languages

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Brown, Or Green

Hair (Secondary): Black, Brown, Gray, Orange, Red, White, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Or Tan

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 20ft Climb, 20ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Human)


The Lokomo have kept their lands safe for many generations. They are a studious race who prefer brains over brawn. Centuries of technological study has led them to replace their weak legs with magically powered steam engines.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 To Charisma, Intelligence, & Wisdom

+1 To Two Ability Scores Between Charisma, Intelligence, & Wisdom

-1 To Dexterity & Strength

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 6yr, 1ft To 3ft, 5lb To 36lb

Child: 7yr To 20yr, 2ft 2in To 3ft 8in, 20lb To 144lb

Juvenile: 21yr To 35yr, 3ft To 5ft 6in, 48lb To 240lb

Adult: 36yr To 300yr, 4ft 1in To 5ft 9in, 60lb To 300lb

Seasoned: 301yr To 450yr, 4ft 1in To 5ft 9in, 60lb To 300lb

Elderly: 451yr To 650yr, 4ft 1in To 5ft 9in, 60lb To 300lb

Ancient: 651yr To 800yr Or More, 4ft 1in To 5ft 9in, 60lb To 300lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Two Additional Languages

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Brown, Gray, Or Green

Hair (Secondary): Black, Brown, Gray, Or White

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Or Tan

Trait: Atrophied Legs On Adults & Older

Speeds: 40ft Basic Land, 15ft Climb, 15ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Lokomo)


Engine-Bound: They take a -3 penalty on Acrobatics skill checks.

Historian: They gain a +3 bonus on History skill checks.

Musician: They gain a +3 bonus on Performance skill checks to play a specific instrument type which they become proficient in.

Steam Engine: Every adult or older Lokomo rides a magically powered metal steam engine which weighs 150lb (not counted against the Lokomo’s carry capacity). Lokomos with an engine double their carry capacity.

Studious: They gain a +1 bonus on either Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throws.


Forest Minish

Living in the wild forests and woods, the forest tribe of Minish are a secretive race from another realm entirely. These plucky creatures prefer the company of children over adults and will often hide themselves from the unknown. Nimble and versatile, they often find ways to spread joy amongst the larger races in secret.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Charisma & Dexterity

+1 To Wisdom

+1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 10yr, 2in To 6in, 1lb To 3lb

Child: 11yr To 35yr, 4in To 8in, 2lb To 5lb

Juvenile: 36yr To 150yr, 6in To 11in, 3lb To 7lb

Adult: 151yr To 400yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Seasoned: 401yr To 600yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Elderly: 601yr To 900yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Ancient: 901yr To 1,200yr Or More, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Picori, & One Additional Language

Physical Traits:

Eyes: Black Or Gray

Hair (Secondary): Brown, Orange, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Or Tan

Speeds: 15ft Basic Land, 10ft Climb, 10ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Fey, Monstrosity


Forest Hidden: They gain a +3 bonus on Stealth skill checks or +6 while in forest settings.

Good Luck: Four times per long rest, before the outcome would be determined, whenever they make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw or if an attack roll is made against them, they may roll an additional 1d20 and choose which of the results is to be used.

Mountain Minish

The mountain-dwelling tribe of Minish prefer seclusion. They create beautiful things as they mine their mountain homes.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Charisma & Dexterity

+1 To Strength

+1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 10yr, 2in To 6in, 1lb To 3lb

Child: 11yr To 35yr, 4in To 8in, 2lb To 5lb

Juvenile: 36yr To 150yr, 6in To 11in, 3lb To 7lb

Adult: 151yr To 400yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Seasoned: 401yr To 600yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Elderly: 601yr To 900yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Ancient: 901yr To 1,200yr Or More, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Picori, & One Extra Language

Physical Traits:

Eyes: Black Or Gray

Hair (Secondary): Brown, Orange, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Or Tan

Speeds: 15ft Basic Land, 5ft Burrow, 10ft Climb, 5ft Swim, No Natural Fly

Types: Fey, Monstrosity


Good Luck: Four times per long rest, before the outcome would be determined, whenever they make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw or if an attack roll is made against them, they may roll an additional 1d20 and choose which of the results is to be used.

Mountain Hidden: They gain a +3 bonus on Stealth skill checks or +6 while in mountain settings.

Town Minish

Making their home among towns and villages, they often find ways to spread joy amongst the larger races in secret.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Charisma & Dexterity

+1 To Intelligence

+1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 10yr, 2in To 6in, 1lb To 3lb

Child: 11yr To 35yr, 4in To 8in, 2lb To 5lb

Juvenile: 36yr To 150yr, 6in To 11in, 3lb To 7lb

Adult: 151yr To 400yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Seasoned: 401yr To 600yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Elderly: 601yr To 900 yr, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Ancient: 901yr To 1,200yr Or More, 8in To 1ft, 4lb To 8lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Picori. & One Extra Language

Physical Traits:

Eyes: Black Or Gray

Hair (Secondary): Brown, Orange, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Or Tan

Speeds: 15ft Basic Land, 10ft Climb, 10ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Fey, Monstrosity


Good Luck: Four times per long rest and before the outcome would be determined, whenever they make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw or if an attack roll is made against them, they may roll an additional 1d20 and choose which of the results is used.

Town Hidden: They gain a +3 bonus on Stealth checks or +6 while in urban settings.


The Zonai are a tall and technologically advanced group. They are oddly hirsute, value spiritual connections, and are a rare sight compared to most other races.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Intelligence

+1 To Wisdom

-1 To Any Ability Score

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 4yr, 2ft 1in To 6ft, 18lb To 192lb

Child: 5yr To 12yr, 4ft 5in To 7ft 8in, 72lb To 384lb

Juvenile: 13yr To 18yr, 6ft 2in To 11ft 5in, 180lb To 960lb

Adult: 19yr To 35yr, 8ft 3in To 12ft, 300lb To 1,200lb

Seasoned: 36yr To 65yr, 8ft 3in To 12ft, 300lb To 1,200lb

Elderly: 66yr To 100yr, 8ft 3in To 12ft, 300lb To 1,200lb

Ancient: 101yr To 125yr Or More, 8ft 3in To 12ft, 300lb To 1,200lb

Base Languages: Ancient Hylian, Hylian, & Picori

Physical Traits:

Eyes: Black Or Gray

Hair (Secondary): Black, Gray, Or White

Skin (Primary): Black, Brown, Pale, Tan, Or White

Speeds: 35ft Basic Land, 25ft Climb, 25ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Fey, Giant, Monstrosity


Uncanny Luck: Three times per long rest and before the outcome would be determined, whenever they make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw or if an attack roll is made against them, they may roll an additional 1d20 and choose which of the results is used.


The rodent-like Mogma are an ancient race that are just as at home underground as they are on the surface.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Strength

+1 To Charisma, Constitution, & Dexterity

-1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 2yr, 7in To 1ft 7in, 2lb To 12lb

Child: 3yr To 5yr, 1ft 2in To 1ft 11in, 8lb To 36lb

Juvenile: 6yr To 20yr, 1ft 7in To 2ft 11in, 20lb To 60lb

Adult: 21yr To 50yr, 2ft 1in To 3ft, 25lb To 75lb

Seasoned: 51yr To 90yr, 2ft 1in To 3ft, 25lb To 75lb

Elderly: 91yr To 150yr, 2ft 1in To 3ft, 25lb To 75lb

Ancient: 151yr To 250yr Or More, 2ft 1in To 3ft, 25lb To 75lb

Base Languages: Hylian & One Additional Language

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Black, Brown, Or Gray

Hair (Secondary): Black, Brown, Gray, White, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Brown, Pale, Tan, Or White

Speeds: 20ft Basic Land, 10ft Burrow, 15ft Climb, 15ft Swim, No Natural Fly

Type: Monstrosity


30ft Scent: They can smell distinct odors to determine their location within 30ft.

60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

90ft Tremorsense: They can feel vibrations on any solid surface they are in contact with and can pinpoint its epicenter out to 90ft.

Inquisitive: They gain a +3 bonus on your Investigation and Perception skill checks.


Over countless generations, the ancient Oocca, also known as the Wind Tribe, traded any physical skills for their advanced technological knowledge. They help protect the world from high above the clouds in flying cities but will occasionally venture down to land.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Charisma, Intelligence, & Wisdom

+1 To Dexterity

-1 To Constitution & Strength

Age, Height, Weight:

Hatchling: Hatch To 20yr, 2in To 5in, 1lb To 3lb

Child: 21yr To 60yr, 3in To 11in, 2lb To 9lb

Juvenile: 61yr To 100yr, 9in To 1ft 4in, 6lb To 11lb

Adult: 101yr To 300yr, 1ft 1in To 1ft 5in, 6lb To 12lb

Seasoned: 301yr To 500yr, 1ft 1in To 1ft 5in, 6lb To 12lb

Elderly: 501yr To 700yr, 1ft 1in To 1ft 5in, 6lb To 12lb

Ancient: 701yr To 1,000yr Or More, 1ft 1in To 1ft 5in, 6lb To 12lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Sky Writing, & Two Extra Languages

Physical Traits:

Eyes: Pink, Purple, Or Red

Feathers (Secondary): Brown, Gray, Pale, Tan, White, Or Yellow

Skin (Primary): Gray, Pale, Tan, Or White

Trait: Bird Body

Speeds: 20ft Basic Land, 15ft Climb, 25ft Fly, 15ft Swim, No Natural Burrow

Type: Aberration


60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Builder: They have advantage on attack rolls against Constructs. Construct attack rolls made against them have disadvantage.

Historian: They gain a +3 bonus on History skill checks.

Hop: They gain a +1 bonus on Athletics skill checks to jump.



The Dinolfos are a strong, fire-breathing race of lizard folk who mostly make their home in areas of high heat. They tolerate no disrespect and react poorly to any perceived challengers.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Strength

+1 To Constitution & Dexterity

-1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Hatchling: Hatch To 1yr, 11in To 3ft 11in, 4lb To 60lb

Child: 2yr To 5yr, 2ft 9in To 4ft 10in, 32lb To 240lb

Juvenile: 6yr To 8yr, 3ft 11in To 7ft 2in, 80lb To 400lb

Adult: 9yr To 20yr, 5ft 2in To 7ft 6in, 100lb To 500lb

Seasoned: 21yr To 30yr, 5ft 2in To 7ft 6in, 100lb To 500lb

Elderly: 31yr To 40yr, 5ft 2in To 7ft 6in, 100lb To 500lb

Ancient: 41yr To 50yr Or More, 5ft 2in To 7ft 6in, 100lb To 500lb

Physical Characteristics:

Base Languages: Hiss & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Purple, Or Yellow

Scales (Primary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Red, White, Or Yellow

Spikes (Secondary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Red, White, Or Yellow

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 20ft Climb, 15ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Dragon


60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Fire Breath: Once per rest, as a bonus action, they may breathe a 25ft cone that deals the below listed fire damage to all creatures in range pending each creatures' dexterity saving throw against 8 plus the breather’s Con plus the breather’s proficiency bonus, while targets that fail this check are dealt half damage.

Levels 1 & 2: 1d4

Levels 3 & 4: 1d8

Levels 5 & 6: 1d12

Levels 7 & 8: 2d8

Levels 9 & 10: 1d20

Levels 11 & 12: 2d12

Levels 13 & 14: 7d4

Levels 15 & 16: 4d8

Levels 17 & 18: 3d12

Level 19+: 2d20

Hot Environment: Fire damage against them is halved.


The carnivorous Lizalfos stalk the caverns of the world in search of prey. Occasionally venturing into open areas, they are an agile force to be reckoned with.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Constitution & Strength

-1 To Charisma Or Intelligence

Age, Height, Weight:

Hatchling: Hatch To 1yr, 11in To 3ft 8in, 3lb To 44lb

Child: 2yr To 5yr, 2ft 7in To 4ft 6in, 24lb To 173lb

Juvenile: 6yr To 8yr, 3ft 8in To 6ft 8in, 58lb To 288lb

Adult: 9yr To 20yr, 4ft 10in To 7ft, 72lb to 360lb

Seasoned: 21yr To 30yr, 4ft 10in To 7ft, 72lb To 360lb

Elderly: 31yr To 40yr, 4ft 10in To 7ft, 72lb To 360lb

Ancient: 41yr To 50 yr Or More, 4ft 10in To 7ft, 72lb To 360lb

Base Languages: Hiss & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Purple, or Yellow

Scales (Primary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Red, Orange, White, or Yellow

Spikes (Secondary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, White, or Yellow

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 20ft Climb, 20ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Dragon


60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Breath: Once per rest, as a bonus action they may breathe either a 20ft cone or a 5ft by 40ft line (shape chosen before each use) of either acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison (type chosen permanently at character creation) that deals the below listed damage to all creatures in range pending each creatures' relevant saving throw (dexterity if acid, fire, or lightning and constitution if cold or poison) against 8 plus the breather’s constitution modifier plus the breather’s proficiency bonus, while targets that fail this throw are dealt half damage.

Levels 1 & 2 : 1d4

Levels 3 & 4: 1d8

Levels 5 & 6: 1d12

Levels 7 & 8: 2d8

Levels 9 & 10: 1d20

Levels 11 & 12: 2d12

Levels 13 & 14: 7d4

Levels 15 & 16: 4d8

Levels 17 & 18: 3d12

Level 19+: 2d20

Breath Weapon Resistance: Their breath weapon's damage type is halved against them.


The tropically native Tokay are a friendly bunch. They have the uncanny ability to scale most any surface yet are not always the brightest of beasts.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 To Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, & Strength

-1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Hatchling: Hatch To 1yr, 9in To 3ft 1in, 3lb To 29lb

Child: 2yr To 5yr, 2ft 3in To 3ft 10in, 20lb To 116lb

Juvenile: 6yr To 8yr, 3ft 1in To 5ft 9in, 48lb To 192lb

Adult: 9yr To 20yr, 4ft 2in To 6ft, 60lb To 240lb

Seasoned: 21yr To 30yr, 4ft 2in To 6ft, 60lb To 240lb

Elderly: 31yr To 40yr, 4ft 2in To 6ft, 60lb To 240lb

Ancient: 41yr To 50yr Or More, 4ft 2in To 6ft, 60lb To 240lb

Base Languages: Hiss & Hylian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Black, Blue, Or Purple

Scales (Primary & Secondary): Green, Red, White, Or Yellow

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 25ft Climb, 25ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Dragon


60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Born Climber: They gain a +3 bonus on Athletics skill checks to climb and can cling to almost any surface at the Dungeon Master’s discretion.

Hardy: They gain a +1 bonus on Medicine and Survival skill checks.

Scavenger: Poison damage against them is quartered.


The ancient Robots have been programmed to do their assigned tasks for so long that they have forgotten their creators and developed personalities of their own. As metallic creations, they do not feel the effects of time as those of flesh do.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity, Intelligence, & Strength

-1 To Charisma & Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight: Any, 2ft 1in to 4ft, 60lb to 150lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Two Extra Languages

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Any

Markings (Secondary): Any

Metal (Primary): Any

Speeds: 20ft Basic Land, 15ft Climb, 5ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Construct


90ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 90ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Electrical Systems: Lightning damage against them is tripled.

Inorganic: Instant death occurs when their total current hit points are equal to or more than half of their maximum total hit points below 0. Healing effects excluding rests are half as effective on them.

Lightning Overload: Up to three times per rest, as a bonus action, they may project a 5ft by 25ft line that deals their proficiency bonus plus the below listed lightning damage to all creatures in range pending each creatures’ dexterity saving throw against 8 plus the overloader’s Con plus the overloader’s proficiency bonus, while targets that fail this check are dealt half damage.

Levels 1 & 2 : 1d2

Levels 3 & 4: 1d4

Levels 5 & 6: 1d6

Levels 7 & 8: 1d8

Levels 9 & 10: 1d10

Levels 11 & 12: 1d12

Levels 13 & 14: 7d2

Levels 15 & 16: 2d8

Levels 17 & 18: 3d6

Level 19+: 1d20

Mechanical: Medicine skill checks made on them take a -1 penalty. They do not need to breathe or eat. They are genderless.

Metallic Being: They gain +3 to their armor class. They sink in water unless they are actively swimming.

Timeless: They are always considered an adult.



The Sheikah are a dwindling race located predominantly in a village south of Death Mountain. As the guardians of countless secrets, as well as the Royal Family, the Sheikah are trained primarily in stealth and are also formidable warriors. Speed and subterfuge are their way of life. However, not all individuals live a life of combat. Some choose to protect that which they hold dear, whether it be as grand as protecting the Royal Family or as mundane as tending to a plot of land. Though you may not see them in the open, having a Sheikah on your side will aid in most any mission.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 5yr, 1ft 3in To 3ft 9in, 6lb To 36lb

Child: 6yr To 15yr, 2ft 8in To 4ft 8in, 24lb To 144lb

Juvenile: 16yr To 20yr, 3ft 9in To 6ft 11in, 60lb To 240lb

Adult: 21yr To 40yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Seasoned: 41yr To 75yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Elderly: 76yr To 125yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Ancient: 126yr To 175yr Or More, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Sheikah, & One Additional Language

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Orange, Red, Or Yellow

Hair (Secondary): Gray Or White

Skin (Primary): Pale Or Tan

Speeds: 35ft Basic Land, 30ft Climb, 25ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Sheikah)


Holy Historian: They gain a +3 bonus on History and Religion skill checks.

Subterfuge Expert: They gain a +1 bonus on four skill checks between Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight Of Hand, and Stealth.


On occasion, a Sheikah will replace their strict regimen of stealth with one of mastery in the magical arts. While they do not differ visually from the average Sheikah, they may try to blend in with the outside world until their arcane abilities become needed.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Charisma, Intelligence, & Wisdom

-1 To Constitution, Dexterity, & Strength

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 5yr, 1ft 3in To 3ft 9in, 6lb To 36lb

Child: 6yr To 15yr, 2ft 8in To 4ft 8in, 24lb To 144lb

Juvenile: 16yr To 20yr, 3ft 9in To 6ft 11in, 60lb To 240lb

Adult: 21yr To 40yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Seasoned: 41yr To 75yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Elderly: 76yr To 125yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Ancient: 126yr To 175yr Or More, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Sheikah, & One Additional Language

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Orange, Red, Or Yellow

Hair (Secondary): Gray Or White

Skin (Primary): Pale Or Tan

Speeds: 35ft Basic Land, 25ft Climb, 25ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Wizzrobe)


Holy Historian: They gain a +3 bonus on History and Religion skill checks.

Mage: They gain a +1 bonus on Arcana skill checks. They know one cantrip with Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom (chosen before each cast) as the spellcasting ability modifier for this cantrip.


Having been outcast from the main clan, the Yiga are an offshoot of Sheikah that are not to be trifled with. Some of them have left willingly, others have been born into it, while still more have been banished from their original tribe.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Constitution Or Strength

+1 To Intelligence Or Wisdom

-1 To Charisma

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 5yr, 1ft 3in To 3ft 9in, 6lb To 36lb

Child: 6yr To 15yr, 2ft 8in To 4ft 8in, 24lb To 144lb

Juvenile: 16yr To 20yr, 3ft 9in To 6ft 11in, 60lb To 240lb

Adult: 21yr To 40yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Seasoned: 41yr To 75yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Elderly: 76yr To 125yr, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Ancient: 126yr To 175yr Or More, 5ft To 7ft 3in, 75lb To 300lb

Base Languages: Hylian, Sheikah, & One Additional Language

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Orange, Red, Or Yellow

Hair (Secondary): Gray Or White

Skin (Primary): Pale Or Tan

Speeds: 35 ft Basic Land, 30 ft Climb, 25 ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Type: Humanoid (Yiga)


Advanced Subterfuge: They gain a +3 bonus on two skill checks between Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight Of Hand, and Stealth.

Warped Holy Historian: They gain a +1 bonus on Arcana, Deception, History, and Religion skill checks.


Few surface dwellers are even aware of the vast underground ecosystem that is home to the Subrosian people. This fact is increased by the race’s secretive lifestyle towards others. Despite this, once discovered, a Subrosian will command immense respect while providing unmatched hospitality. Their massive network of subterranean tunnels and caves is most concentrated under Holodrum, though it extends throughout the world.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Constitution

+1 To Charisma

+1 To Dexterity Or Strength

-1 To Wisdom

Age, Height, Weight:

Infant: Birth To 7yr, 1ft To 3ft, 6lb To 39lb

Child: 8yr To 20yr, 2ft 2in To 3ft 9in, 21lb To 154lb

Juvenile: 21yr To 45yr, 3ft To 5ft 7in, 52lb To 256lb

Adult: 46yr To 125yr, 4ft 1in To 5ft 10in, 64lb to 320lb

Seasoned: 126yr To 250yr, 4ft 1in To 5ft 10in, 64lb To 320lb

Elderly: 251yr To 400yr, 4ft 1in To 5ft 10in, 64lb To 320lb

Ancient: 401yr to 500yr Or More, 4ft 1in To 5ft 10in, 64lb To 320lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Subrosian

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Gray or White

Skin (Primary & Secondary): Black, Brown, Or Gray

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 5ft Burrow, 25ft Climb, 15ft Swim, No Natural Fly

Types: Fiend, Humanoid (Subrosian)


60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Climate Sensitive: Cold damage against them is doubled.

Magma Baths: Fire damage against them is quartered.

Sneaky: They gain a +1 bonus on Stealth skill checks.

Sure-Footed: They can move through non-magical difficult terrain with only a 25% penalty to their movement speed.



The avian Rito are a distant offshoot of the Zora. However, instead of swimming in water, they soar through the air. Rito make excellent scouts and messengers.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Charisma & Wisdom

-1 To Constitution

Age, Height, Weight:

Hatchling: Hatch To 3yr, 10in To 3ft 4in, 3lb To 15lb

Child: 4yr To 15yr, 2ft 5in To 4ft 10in, 10lb To 58lb

Juvenile: 16yr To 20yr, 3ft 4in To 6ft 3in, 24lb To 96lb

Adult: 21yr To 30yr, 4ft 6in To 6ft 6in, 30lb To 120lb

Seasoned: 31yr To 55yr, 4ft 6in To 6ft 6in, 30lb To 120lb

Elderly: 56yr To 75yr, 4ft 6in To 6ft 6in, 30lb To 120lb

Ancient: 76yr To 90yr Or More, 4ft 6in To 6ft 6in, 30lb To 120lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Two Additional Languages

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Brown, Orange, Red, Or Yellow

Feathers (Secondary): Any

Skin (Primary): Black, Brown, Gray, Pale, Tan, Or White

Traits: Beak & Talons

Speeds: 25ft Basic Land, 20ft Climb, 45ft Fly, 15ft Swim, No Natural Burrow

Type: Monstrosity


90ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 90ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.


A much more vicious strain of Zora is the sharp-toothed Zola who forgo sophistication and replace it with a drive to succeed over all other races, including other Zora.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Strength & Wisdom

-1 To Constitution

Age, Height, Weight:

Tadpole: Hatch To 5yr, 4in To 4ft 2in, 2lb To 60lb

Child: 6yr To 15yr, 2ft 2in To 5ft 1in, 16lb To 240lb

Juvenile: 16yr To 25yr, 3ft To 7ft 8in, 40lb To 400lb

Adult: 26yr To 50yr, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Seasoned: 51yr To 90yr, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Elderly: 91yr To 150yr, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Ancient: 151yr To 200yr Or More, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Zoran

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Purple, Or Red

Skin (Primary & Secondary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, Or White

Speeds: 30ft Basic Land, 15ft Climb, 40ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Elemental (Water), Monstrosity


60ft Darkvision: They can see in dim light as if it were bright light and out to 60ft in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Amphibious Life Cycle: Children and older can breathe both air and water. Tadpoles can only breathe water.

Aquatic: They gain a +6 bonus on Athletics skill checks to swim.

Ruthless: They gain a +3 bonus on Deception and Intimidation skill checks. They take a -1 penalty on Persuasion skill checks against non-Zora races.

Wet: Lightning damage against them is doubled.


Calling the waterways of the world their home, the Zora people have an amphibious body structure and a sophisticated culture. Led by a monarchy that is separate from the Hylian Royal Family, they are a mostly peaceful people. As aquatic beings, they are equally at home submerged in water as they are on land. Most all Zora harbor a feeling of superiority over other living things, however, their mental capacities and finesse in times of distress are outdone by few.


+2 To Dexterity

+1 To Wisdom

+1 To Intelligence Or Strength

-1 To Constitution

Age, Height, Weight:

Tadpole: Hatch To 5yr, 4in To 4ft 2in, 2lb To 60lb

Child: 6yr To 15yr, 2ft 2in To 5ft 1in, 16lb To 240lb

Juvenile: 16yr To 25yr, 3ft To 7ft 8in, 40lb To 400lb

Adult: 26yr To 50yr, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Seasoned: 51yr To 90yr, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Elderly: 91yr To 150yr, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Ancient: 151yr To 200yr Or More, 4ft 1in To 8ft, 50lb To 500lb

Base Languages: Hylian & Zoran

Physical Characteristics:

Eyes: Blue, Purple, Or Red

Skin (Primary & Secondary): Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, Or White

Speed: 30ft Basic Land, 15ft Climb, 40ft Swim, No Natural Burrow & Fly

Types: Elemental (Water), Monstrosity


60ft Darkvision: Out to 60ft they can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light but only in shades of gray.

Amphibious Life Cycle: Children and older can breathe both air and water. Tadpoles can only breathe water.

Aquatic: They gain a +6 bonus on Athletics skill checks to swim.

Sophisticated: They gain a +3 bonus on Intimidation and Persuasion skill checks. They take a -1 penalty on Deception skill checks against non-Zora races.

Wet: Lightning damage against them is doubled.

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